How Long Does It Take To Tint Windows? A Guide for Homeowners

AFT Blogger • Sep 08, 2023

How long does it take to tint windows and what does the process involve? See our guide for homeowners as we look at tinting your home windows today.

how long does it take to tint windows

Approximately 30% of a home's heating energy is lost through the windows. Home window tinting can reduce the transfer of energy and help your home maintain its temperature more easily. 

Window tinting provides some other useful benefits as well, so if you're thinking about installing it on your home's windows, you're making a good choice. However, if you're interested in installing window tint, it can be useful to know the installation timeline.

So, how long does it take to tint windows? Below we'll tell you what you need to know about residential window tinting and will give you an idea of how long the process takes.

What Is Residential Window Tinting?

Not just for car windows, residential window tinting is tinting that will be installed on the windows of a house.

Home window tinting provides some of the same benefits as car window tinting does and can be a great addition to a home. Window tinting can make your home more comfortable and help to improve energy efficiency.

Residential window tinting can help protect you and your family from UV rays. UV rays can lead to skin problems and even cancer, so it's important to be aware of this.

Window tinting can also allow you to be more comfortable at home in several ways. It can reduce the glare of the sun and can also reduce the heat in your home as well. It can also help to add more privacy.

Home window tinting can also help to reduce your energy bills. Because it reduces the transmission of energy, it can boost energy efficiency and lead to you paying less on utilities each month. 

How Long Does It Take to Tint Windows?

So how long does it take to tint home windows? Here's what you can expect from the process from start to finish. 

Prepping and Measuring the Windows

Before installing window tint, you'll need to prep your home's windows.

This will require you to measure the window panes on your windows and ensure that you know how much tint you'll need. You should also remove any obstacles that will be in the way during the installation. Remove curtains or drapes that are currently located around your windows to ensure that there will be space to work.

Hardware that's on the panes will need to be removed so that they won't get in the way. Also, you'll need to remove any existing window film that is on the windows, if there is any.

Applying the Window Tint

Once your windows have been prepped, the window film can be installed. Generally speaking, installing window tint will take between 30-45 minutes per window. However, this could take as little as 15 minutes in some cases.

Some windows will be more difficult than others to install window tinting on. This could be due to the size or the specific type of windows and their complexity.

Waiting for It to Dry

After the installation of window tinting is complete, you'll need to give it time to dry. The tinting needs to be left alone for 24 hours and should dry thoroughly before you reattach the hardware or start using your windows again.

When considering the timing of a window tinting installation, be sure to take this 24-hour window into account so that you'll know what to expect. Avoid touching the window tint or the windows until this process is complete.

tint residential windows

How Long Does Window Tinting Last?

While home window tinting can be installed fairly quickly, it can last a very long time. 

Home window film can last as long as 20 years if it's maintained well. On the other hand, window tint may only last five years if it's not maintained well.

You should be sure to clean the window film to increase its lifespan and to ensure that it always looks its best. You should clean your windows once a month and should make sure that you do it thoroughly.

Avoid using certain chemicals that can harm the window film and cause problems. Avoid abrasive cleaners with powerful acids since they can cause your window films to deteriorate more quickly. You should also avoid alcohol and ammonia-based cleaners as well.

Finally, avoid scrubbing your windows with sharp objects. Sharp objects could end up harming the film and causing rips and tears.

What Affects the Lifespan of Home Window Tinting?

There are other things that can affect the longevity of window tinting as well. You'll want to take all of these factors into consideration.

One of the main factors to think about is the quality of the film. High-quality films that come from a reputable brand will be more likely to last longer and will have a higher level of durability.

It's also important that the window tinting is installed properly. Hiring a reliable window installation company to install residential tinting is essential. Ensure that it's installed right.

If the window film adheres to your windows well then it's much more likely that it will last a long time and will make it past a decade or even longer. If the window film is not installed well, not maintained well, or is poor quality, then it's likely that it won't last as long as you would like it to. You'll need to get it replaced sooner rather than later.

Always be sure that you hire the right installers for the window film and carefully choose a quality window film to use.

Making the Choice to Tint Residential Windows

So, how long does it take to tint windows? Generally, it will take about 30-45 minutes per window. However, you'll need to do a bit of prep work and will need to wait 24 hours afterward to let it dry properly.

To find out exactly how long your installation will take, you should speak to a professional window tint installation company. They can help you understand how long the installation will take based on various factors including the size of the job, the type of windows you have, and more.

Ready to hire professional window tint installers? Contact us today to learn more about how Applied Film Technology can help meet your needs.

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